Sustainable Yield – Article Response

Hi Systems folks!

For your latest tutorial, you read two articles about maximum sustainable yield (MSY).  Below there are several questions about MSY.  For this posting, answer the questions posed below (you can answer them all in one comment!), and then respond to each others’ answers.  You may also include questions about the articles.  Make sure that you read the articles before moving on to the questions.  You can find the articles here: “Sustainable Yield”.

Once you have read the articles, respond to the following:

  1. What, in your opinion, is the biggest concern regarding the use of MSY in determining numbers of fish harvested?
  2. What do you think about Carmel Finley’s argument in “The Problem is Maximum Sustainable Yield”?  Do you think that using MSY is an issue of politics over science?  Why or why not?
  3. In “Ecologically Sustainable Yield” the authors advocate an ecosystem based approach for determining sustainable yield.  Why do the authors advocate that new method?

Respond to those three questions, and then respond to your classmates.  You guys have been doing a great job in recent conversations – keep up that level of discourse!

Nice work, and I look forward to reading what you have to say!

Mrs. C