Mini-Practical: Cell Membrane Virtual Lab

Directions: For this assignment you will be conducting a virtual lab looking at the effect of different types of membrane channels on transport across cell membranes.  You will be working with two types of channels: open channels and “gated” channels, or channels that can be opened and closed.  You will be able to control how much of each substance (green and blue) is on each side of the membrane, how many membrane channels of each type are embedded in the membrane, and the speed of the molecules (green and blue) that are in the solution.  For this mini-practical you will need to change the various settings in the virtual lab and determine the time it takes for the concentrations of the green and blue molecules to reach equilibrium.  You should have five increments of your independent variable, and you will need to make sure to isolate all of the other variables in the experiment.   You will need to do three to five trials with each treatment, and you should record your treatments and results in an appropriate raw data table and an appropriate processed data table.  You should then graph your results.  Remember to clearly state what you are testing on both the table and graph.  Good luck!

Membrane Channels

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