Mini-Practical: Natural Selection Simulation

Directions: Run the simulation below looking at different selection pressures on a hypothetical rabbit population.  Once you have run the simulation once, change the settings and run it again.  Once you have finished five different runs of the simulation, answer the questions that follow.

PhET Natural Selection Simulation:

Natural Selection

Click to Run



  1. For each of the five simulations, explain the following:
    1. What did you change?  (i.e.: what were the specific selection pressures that you introduced?)
    2. What was the end result (did bunnies take over the world)?
  2. Explain the effect of changing dominance for one of the traits.
  3. Explain the effect of environment on the population of rabbits (equator v. arctic), specifically in terms of predation.
  4. Explain the effect of food supply on the population of rabbits.
  5. Explain the impact of long v. short tails on the population.
  6. Discuss your observations of the simulations that you ran.  What do you think were the most important factors in terms of limiting the rabbit population?

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