Mini-Practical: PCR & Gel Electrophoresis Virtual Lab

Directions: For this mini-practical you are going to be doing two online simulations: one of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and one of gel electrophoresis.  You will also read a short article about DNA profiling in forensics.  Once you have read the article and completed the simulations, answer the questions that follow.  You may hand in your question answers in your Dropbox folder.

DNA Profiling
Read the article below to learn more about the role of DNA profiling in criminal investigations.

Article: Can DNA Demand a Verdict?

Virtual Labs
Once you have finished reading, “Can DNA Demand a Verdict?”, conduct the virtual labs below.  Remember to answer all questions within the virtual labs, and when you have finished answer the questions that follow.

  1. PCR Simulation
  2. Gel Electrophoresis Simulation

Answer the questions below after you have read the article and run the three simulations.

  1. Outline the process of PCR.  Include all primers, enzymes, and steps in the process.
  2. Describe the uses of PCR technology.
  3. Outline the process of gel electrophoresis.  Include all steps in the process and all materials used.
  4. Describe how gel electrophoresis separates DNA segments according to size.
  5. Describe the uses of gel electrophoresis.
  6. Explain any limitations of DNA profiling in identifying individuals accused of crimes.  (i.e.: Are there any cases when DNA profiling might be inconclusive?)

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