Practical 2: Properties of Water

Objective: Design an experiment to determine one of the thermal, cohesive or solvent properties of water.

Practical Requirements:

  1. This experiment is individual, so you must plan it on your own.
  2. You may do outside research to come up with your research question and hypothesis, although you should design the experiment without outside help.
  3. Remember to consider all variables when designing your experiment.
  4. Think about factors that could influence your experiment.  Consider what TYPE of water you will use.
  5. Take some time to plan the experiment, but you also want to begin the practical work (and perhaps finish it) during this class period.
  6. When you write your conclusion, remember that the properties of water are essential for life processes.  Make sure that you address this in your discussion!


Properties of Water
You may use the sources below if you wish, but you can also use outside sources.  These might be a good place to start when thinking about possible research questions.

    1. This is an online textbook and outlines the basic properties.
    1. More simplistic, but some good information.
  3. Advanced BiologyTextbook
    1. More detail than the Course Companion, ask for a copy if you wish
  4. IB Biology Course Companion

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