DNA Experimental History – Student Presentations

Directions: For this assignment you are going to be creating a presentation about a famous experiment that helped scientists better understand the nature of DNA structure and function.  You will be assigned one scientists or pair of scientists, and you will need to include information about the following:

  1. The experiment(s) he/she/they conducted.
  2. The results of the experiment.
  3. What the experiment did to further our understanding of DNA structure and function.
  4. The specific data that the scientist(s) collected and what that data means.
  5. Specific details about how the experiment was conducted (for example, Watson & Crick focused on model building, while Franklin focused on X-ray crystallography).
  6. The importance of the scientists’ experiment/discovery in the context of the history of our understanding of DNA and genetics.


  1. Chargaff (Proportions of nitrogenous bases in DNA)
  2. Hershey & Chase (DNA is the hereditary molecule)
  3. Watson & Crick (Discovery of the DNA double helix)
  4. Franklin & Wilkins (X-ray crystallography of the DNA double helix)
  5. Meselson & Stahl (semi-conservative replication)

Your presentation should include IMAGES AND NO TEXT, except for labels and headings.  You may use notecards, but you should not have a script for your presentation or a laptop.  You will need to include a MLA format Works Cited page on the presentation.  Your presentation can be a video or slide deck.  Make sure that you take a look at how you will be assessed at the link below:

DNA Experimental History – Oral Presentation Criteria