Biotechnology Current Events – Article Responses

Below are links to three separate articles about new things happening in biotechnology.  After each article you will need to answer two questions.  You should post your answers on this page where it says, “Leave a Reply.”  All members of the class should make sure to include answers to all of the questions.  You can write them as responses to the post or as replies to each others comments.  Include a full explanation of what you think and why, and in doing so you can comment on the ideas of others.  Your answers do not have to be long, but they should answer the questions fully.  You should be able to finish the assignment during class, but anything that is not done today will become homework due next time.

Article #1: “Dolly scientist working on cloning Scottish wildcats”BBC News

Article #1 Questions:

  1. Why are the Scottish wildcats in danger of extinction?
  2. Do we have an ethical obligation to use technology to help protect species that are endangered due to human activities?

Article #2: “Stem cells’ brave new world”Toronto Sun

Article #2 Questions:

  1. Are the risks of complications (such as the potential for “reprogrammed” cells to produce tumors) greater than the potential rewards of new cures for diseases?
  2. Why are diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s particularly good candidates for stem cell treatment?  Specifically address what is mentioned in the article!

Article #3: “Scientists question Perry’s unusual stem cell back treatment”

Article #3 Questions:

  1. Do incredible advances in technology only benefit those who can afford them?
  2. If someone were to go to a “quack” doctor as a result of Perry’s treatment, would Perry be in some way responsible if that person were harmed?  Why or why not?

Put your answers to these questions below.  Remember to include your full name and email address in order to get credit for your answers!  This will be formatively assessed according to MYP Science Criterion A: One World (max: 6).

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