Autoimmune Disorder Medical Poster

Directions: For this assignment you are going to be creating a medical information poster and presenting to the class about one of the autoimmune disorders listed below.  Your poster should include information about the disorder, as well as information about the immune system and the body system(s) effected.  Your poster must include the following:

Poster Requirements *

  1. Major organs and body systems involved and their roles in the body
  2. Cause(s) of the disease
  3. Effect of the disease on the body
  4. The role of the immune system in the body
  5. The role of the immune system in the disease
  6. Symptoms of the disease
  7. Treatment of the disease

* Include text and images/drawings
* Include MLA Works Cited on the back

Autoimmune Disorders

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis (Lara)
  2. Lupus (Lamia)
  3. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  4. Multiple sclerosis (Valentina)
  5. Type 1 diabetes (Yacoub)
  6. Psoriasis
  7. Graves’ disease (Lilya)
  8. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Maysan)
  9. Myasthenia gravis (Helmi)
  10. Epidermolysis bullosia (Zine)
  11. Alopecia (Soukaina)

Good starting place: WebMD – Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune Disorders Medical Poster Rubric

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